Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hello All,
The Blogger Dashboard indicates that John has accepted the invitation to join us. I suspect he is just as busy as we all are this week. I have completed the midterm evaluations for three of my four classes, but the last one is likely to take a little time - English Comp. always takes time! ;)
When I get that done and attend to my classes for this week, I will be back to search for some more resources.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome John!

Just a note to officially welcome John to our blog! We're focusing right at the moment on developing what is turning out to be a giant array of resources and potential texts for our Education core courses! As always, I will be interested to hear your ideas on the subject!
Rebecca & Lynn,
I have heard this poem before, and very much like it in the context of what we are working on. Thanks for sharing that!
I have invited John to join us and have done a little research into the website I mentioned in my last post. John first introduced us to Rethinking Schools Ltd., a different sort of source for textbooks offering a refreshing take on topics, as well as far more affordable prices! I have spent a lot of time perusing the offerings there and have considered using some as textbooks in my classes, but have yet to make the leap.
Today I found the following titles there related to the Multiculturalism course, as well as some of the others:

Rethinking Multicultural Education — NEW!
Rethinking Multicultural Education moves beyond a simplistic focus on heroes and holidays to demonstrate a powerful vision of anti-racist, social justice education.
(I am thinking about ordering this one to review)

Rethinking Globalization:
Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World
This comprehensive new book from Rethinking Schools helps teachers raise critical issues with students in grades 4 - 12 about the increasing globalization of the world's economies and infrastructures, and the many different impacts this trend has on our planet and those who live here.

Failing Our Kids:
Why the Testing Craze Won't Fix Our Schools
Includes more than 50 articles that provide a compelling critique of standardized tests and also outline alternative ways to assess how well our children are learning.

Open Minds to Equality
Open Minds to Equality is an educator's sourcebook of activities to help students understand and change inequalities based on race, gender, class, age, language, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability, and religion.

Rethinking Our Classrooms
Teaching for Equity and Justice -Volume 1 — NEW Edition!
This revised and expanded edition includes creative teaching ideas, reproducible handouts and lesson plans that promote values of community, justice, and equality.

This was just a quick overview and I don't know that these will be useful, but I like the idea of researching "outside the box" where textbooks are concerned. I hope to have time later today to do a little more research.

Using Our Imaginations!

Suzanne & Lynn!

Do you know this poem?

The gleam of an heroic act
Such strange illumination
The Possible's slow fuse is lit
By the Imagination. - Emily Dickinson

Thanks to both of you for using your imagination and developing our growing list of resources for out purposes here ... And as John Christensen offers the majority of CCV's education courses online... I've asked him to join us as we develop a comprehensive list. Suzanne, would you be willing to send John the details for signing into our CCV-Collaboration blog?

The course on Teaching in a Global Community will replace our course: Multiculturalism in Education, but will retain much of the same flavor and essential learning objectives (in 2010) and will count in the student degree plan as also meeting their "global" perspective... an important general education piece. CCV's Intercultural Communication course you mention is separate from the new education course (and is also a good one!). I think both of you have a wealth of experience to bring in the "global" view and resources to the new Global course. Many of the materials used in the Multiculturalism course will be helpful in this context. Including the Teaching for Tolerance materials is a good idea- I have used them too! What other materials would be helpful to include for faculty to choose from?

As to NCLB ... yes Suzanne ... a thorny issue at best because it is a moving target!... Students who I've had in Foundations of Education always are nervous and anxious about what is expected or should I say... what will be expected- so any current resources might be helpful here?... The new Assessment course is designed to familiarize students with assessment from a wide perspective... and also from the more narrow point of view that each student in the CCV Education program must take and pass the Praxis I examination. I'll be interested to hear what you come up with in terms of resources?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lynn and Rebecca,
The two of you ROCK! There is so much information here! Lynn, I knew that Rebecca would love all the websites and textbooks you have in your files; what a great list with which to start! Rebecca, I am so grateful for the EOs you have posted because now I have a framework for thinking about all of this. Sincere thanks to both of you!
A few initial thoughts: Because Lynn has taught some of these classes, I am inclined to take her advice on textbooks for those classes. I have taught Intercultural Communications in the past (and I think Lynn has too?) and I have a real interest in that topic. Is this the same course with a different name? I would like to do some research around that one because I think there are some good books available through a website John Christiansen suggested, which would be less expensive than conventional textbooks. I will look that up and share what I find. Diversity, multicultural education, and teaching tolerance have all been showing up in all of my classes more frequently and I want to find resources to use around this topic in all my classes.
I also have an initail thought about the assessments class. There is so much buzz these days about the issues of NCLB and the inherent problem in the sometimes test-driven classroom environment, I want to take some time to research where all of that stands. I am apprehensive about developing materials that are more in keeping with this current problematic system and less about helping new teachers understand that they can be part of the solution. Lynn, you and I have encountered this dilemma in the discussion board as our students become frustrated by learning that creativity, flexibility, and open-ended projects are considered best-practice, only to learn within the same week that the tenets of NCLB can and do seriously imapct a teacher's ability to implement this best-practice. In light of this, I would really like to look at how we might use materials to address both sides of the coin with the ultimate goal of empowering new teachers to get involved with changing things for the better.
And, at the risk of stating the obvious, I will sign off by saying that I sometimes get fired up, but that is when I do my best work!
Again, thanks to both of you for all your hard work thus far!

Wow! Great Resources! & Texts for New EDU Courses?


Many thanks for posting all of these resources!... This is exactly what I was hoping we could generate!...

Suzanne... I totally understand what you're saying about the URLs... it can be really frustrating as just when you think you have a good one - the address changes or becomes obselete?... But - I still like the idea of using them when we can!

Our Teaching Methods course will be changing its direction slightly beginning in fall 2010 to have a focus on Literacy Development to align more directly with our VSC-sister schools ... I will include the new EOs as proposed (see below) ... Lynn- what is your opinion concerning a decent text?... will the one you use now work okay or do you think we need a different one?

EDU-2055 Teaching Methods – Changes to blurb and EOs to reflect emphasis on teaching literacy.

Revised Title: Teaching Methods for Literacy Development

Revised Course Blurb: This course provides an introduction to teaching methods. Topics include: educational research related to literacy instruction, approaches to teaching, instructional lessons and units, classroom management and communication, strategies for authentic assessment, and self-reflective teaching practices.

Revised EOs:
1. Discuss current educational research and theory as it relates to instructional methods for literacy development.
2. Develop lessons that are sensitive to the diverse needs and styles of students, taking into consideration, content, pedagogy, and materials.
3. Use technology as a tool to support student learning and for professional development.
4. Demonstrate classroom management and communication strategies for teaching in large and small groups.
5. Create thematic instructional units that rely on active learning and encourage higher order thinking.
6. Design performance-based assessments that link instructional decision-making and lesson planning.
7. Develop the ability to reflect on their teaching, student learning, and to make changes as warranted.

I'd like to think about what texts would be most appropriate for these new courses as well (see below)... what do you think? ....what would work best?

EDU-2XXX Assessment in the Education Setting 3 credits
This course is designed to help pre-service teachers understand, integrate, and skillfully apply standards governing educational assessment. Emphasis will be placed on strategies for test-taking and on methods for building quality assessments tied to learning outcomes. Students will take Praxis Exams as part of their exploration on the topic of assessment.

1. Describe the relationship between learning and assessment decisions.
2. Compare the use of formative and summative assessment tools that assist in educational decision making.
3. Administer, score and interpret the results of a range of assessment tools.
4. Discuss the connections between assessment, curriculum planning, and overall school improvement.
5. Recognize the unethical, illegal and otherwise inappropriate uses of assessment.
6. Explore test-taking strategies and complete Praxis exams.
7. Discuss the history and philosophy of educational assessment and assessment of educators.

EDU-2XXX Teaching in a Global Community 3 credits
This course explores the role of global perspectives in democratic education. Historical, sociological, cultural, political, and philosophical dimensions of globalization are considered in relation to issues of teaching.

1. Describe the evolution of teaching global perspectives in the United States.

2. Explore the diverse ways learners experience the world, inside and outside the classroom, the school and in the community.
3. Discuss the impact of an emerging global community on local teaching practices.
4. Discuss the psychological, political, social, and economic dimensions of global society as it functions in schools and communities.
5. Integrate global perspectives into an existing curriculum.
6. Develop a collection of globalization resources and strategies for use in a future classroom.
7. Describe the influence of culture on practices of teaching and learning.
8. Reflect on and assess individual sociopolitical and cultural beliefs in relation to education.
9. Recognize cultural, ethnic, political, and economic biases in curricular materials and discuss strategies to correct them.
10. Analyze the challenges facing educators in a global community.

Some Web Sites

I'm on a roll's some web sites broken down by chapter for our Curriculum Development class - note that many of these sites can be used in several education classes. I can provide the sites I have for the other classes but there will be overlap. I'll wait for your feedback on all of this first! You have enough to peruse for now!

All of the sites were hyplerlinked - if you cannot access them here I can send you the document in an email so you can access the sites better. Let me know! Lynn

For EDU 2045 Curriculum Development

Chapter 1 Starting the Process

Additional Related Web Links
1. The American Association for the Child’s Right to Play
2. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
3. Child Development Institute
4. Children’s Defense Fund
5. Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition
6. National Association of Family Child Care
7. National Network for Child Care (NNCC)
8. National PTA’s Building Blocks: Importance of Children’s Play
9. Theory of Multiple Intelligences the Search box, type in “Theory of Multiple Intelligences” )

Chapter 2 Creating Curriculum

1. American Montessori Society
2. Culturally Responsive Curriculum:
(Conduct a Web search by typing in “Culturally Responsive Curriculum: ERIC Digest”)
3. Design Share (In the Search box, type in “Comparing North American Reggio Schools”)
4. National Head Start Association
http://www.nhsa.org5. Parents Action for Children
6. Project Approach
7. Understanding Prejudice: Reading Room for Teachers (Click on “Teacher’s Corner”)

Chapter 3 Language and Literacy

1. America Reads (Click on “Families”; also, click on “Educators,” and then click on “What Educators Can Do”)
2. American Library Association
3. The American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association on “Public,” click on “Speech, Language, and Swallowing,” and then click on “Speech and Language Development”)
4. Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
5. Early Childhood News (Click on “Articles” and then click on “Classroom Design”)
6. Early Literacy
7. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
8. KidSource Online
9. Language Development (Click on “Development,” and then click on “Language Development.” This site has many articles. Make sure to scroll down and click on “Current Research.”)
10. National Center for Family Literacy
11. Starting Out Right
Do an Internet search by typing in “Starting Out Right” and choose the link with the address:
12. Zero to Three (In “Key Topics,” click on “Early Language and Literacy”)

Chapter 4 Literature

1. Bank Street Children’s Book Committee
2. Best Children’s Books
(Click on “Books and Behavior” and then click on the topic you are interested in)
3. Children’s Book Council
4. Children’s Book Press
5. Dragon Tales
(Click on “Dragon Tales”)
6. Eric Carle Web Site
7. Fairrosa Cyber Library of Children’s Literature
8. Nursery Rhyme
9. Scholastic
10. Understanding Prejudice

Chapter 5 Math

1. Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site: Picturing Math—Patterns and Picture Books:
(Click on “Curriculum Areas,” and then click on “Math: Patterns and Picture Books”)
2. Do Math and You Can Do Anything
3. Gayle’s Preschool Rainbow
(Click on “Rhymes, Songs, and Fingerplays”)
4. Math and Young Children
(Click on “Math and Young Children”)
5. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
6. The National Research Center on the Gifted and the Talented
7. Newton’s
(Click on “If You Hate Math” and then click on “Grades K–2”)
7. Northwest Education
8. Teachers Nurturing Math-Talented Young Children
Do a Web search by typing in “Teachers Nurturing Math-Talented Young Children”; this is an article about fostering mathematical ability in young children. Several are listed, but pick the one that has the guidelines included at the bottom of the page.
9. Teaching Math to English Language Learners
Do an Internet search by typing in “Teaching Math to English Language Learners Winter 2005”; this is a NorthWest Education Article.
10. Webmath

Chapter 6 Science

1. American Heart Association
http://www.americanheart.orgIn the search box, type in “Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Children” and click on the article.
2. Annenberg Math and Science Project – provides resources for educators.
3. Center for Science in the Public Interest the search box, type in “Guidelines for Responsible
Marketing to Children.”
4. Earth Science Week (October)
5. Learning in Motion
6. National Association for the Education of Young Children
7. National Science Teacher’s Association
8. The Project Approach
9. Space Day (Mayfile://localhost/) http/

Chapter 7 Social Studies

1. Children’s Museum of Houston
2. Children’s Museum of Manhattan
3. Early Childhood Education Online
4. Kidinfo
5. National Council for the Social Studies
6. National Geographic
7. Social Studies School Services
8. United States Committee for UNICEF United Nation’s Children’s Fund

Chapter 8 Art

1. America for the Arts
2. Arts Education Partnership
3. Bank Street
4. Bright Ideas for Learning
(Click on “Cool Links” or “Fostering Creativity”)
5. EdByDesign
(Click on “Art Ideas” in the Special Needs Corner, then scroll down and click on any of the five media for free ideas for art activities)
6. Global Children’s Art Gallery
7. International Child Art Association
8. The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge
(Under the Teach section, click on “Lessons,” then in the Lessons Quick Search box type in “Let’s Talk About Painting”)
9. KinderArt
10. National Art Education Association (NAEA)
11. Process Art Versus Product
Community Playthings
(Click on “Free Early Childhood Resources,” then under the Collage logo click on “Art with Children,” and then click on “Caught in the middle of the Process vs Product dilemma? Here’s what it’s all about and a way out.”)
12. VSA Arts

Chapter 9 Sensory Centers

1. Better Kid Care
2. Healthy Child Care
(Scroll down and click on “Search,” then in the Search box type in “woodworking,” and then click on “Can a Woodworking Center be Safe?”) You can also search the Library of Issues for all sorts of information.
3. International Kids’ Space
4. The Mud Center: Recapturing Childhood
(Click on “Free Early Childhood Resources,” then click on “Dramatic Play,” and then click on “Here in the northeast”)
5. The Ooey Gooey Lady
(Click on “Resources”)
6. PBS TeacherSource
(Under PBS Teachers, Click on “Explore preK-12 education resources and professional development”)
7. Perpetual Preschool—woodworking
(In the Search box, type in “woodworking”)
9. Technology in Early Education Technology in the Curriculum, click on “Early Connections”)

Chapter 10 Music and Movement

1. About: World Music
You can spend a long time exploring this site. There is a whole host of information in the left-hand menu. Just be careful to separate the information from sales pitches. Also, in the Search box, type in “what is the difference between world music”.)
2. Art Express: The Expressive Arts Project
(Click on “Newsletter” to access previous newsletters for ideas; also click on “Art Express” and then “Music and Movement” and “Drawing to Music”)
3. Best Children’s Music
4. The Children’s Music Network
5. The Children’s Music Web
6. Dr. Thomas Moore
(Click on “Articles,” then click on “If You Teach Children, You Can Sing!”)
7. Early Childhood Music and Movement Association
8. Kididdles:
9. National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE)
(Click on “NASPE”)
10. New Horizons
(Click on “Teaching and Learning Strategies,” then click on “Arts in Education”)
11. Oracle Think Quest
(In the Search box, type in “Music Notes: An Interactive Musical Experience”)
12. PE Central
13. Physical Development
(In the Search box, Type in “whole child”)
14. Scholastic Teacher
(In the Search box, Type in “History of Jazz”)
15. Southern Early Childhood Association—Position Statement on the Arts and Movement
(Click on “Position Statements,” then click on “Arts & Movement Education for Young Children”)

Chapter 11 Puppets

1. Das Puppenspiel
2. Folkmanis Puppets
3. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
(Click on “Search,” then click on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”)
4. Preschool Rainbow
5. Princeton online
(Click on “Community,” then click on “The Arts,” then click on “Incredible Art Department,” then type in “Puppetry and Shadow Plays” in the Google Search box, and then click on the “Puppetry and Shadow Plays” link.)
6. The Puppet Museum
7. Puppet Dream
8. Puppeteers of America
9. Puppetry Theme Page
(Click on “Search,” then type in “Fine Arts,” in the Search box, and then click on the “Puppetry Theme Page” link.)
10. Vietnamese Water Puppetry
11. The World of Puppets:

Chapter 12 Dramatic Play and Creative Dramatics

1. Creative Drama Links
2. Games Kids Play
3. International Play Association
4. Pretend Play and Young Children’s Development
5. Scholastic
6. TASP—The Association for the Study of Play
7. Teaching Strategies
8. University of South Carolina Essays in Education
(Click on “Archives,” then click on “Volume 19, Winter 2007,” and then click on “The Importance of Symbolic Play as a Component of the Early Childhood Curriculum.”)


You asked about a timeline for this process and I am very flexible. I can have things to you from my files by the end of the week! However, perusing the websites may take longer as not all urls are still functional.

You also mentioned scenario problem solving activities. Most of the textbooks I get from the publisher have DVD's in them with scenarios. One class did not get the DVD's but otherwise they have proven beneficial to my classes! Suzanne and I also have students visit classrooms and centers and report a variety of information back to the forum. Scenarios can be achieved through that process as well. We have had positive feedback about those visits thus far, but it is anew feature and we only have one group to go by.

Since textbooks seemed to be the first priority for you I have compiled a list of texts I have used in my classes. See below. I have noted which classes Suzanne and I team teach as well. Suzanne and I also send out copies of the Vermont Early learning Standards (VELs) to our students in Fostering Creative Learning, Early Childhood Education and Curriculum Development.

EDU 1030 Early Childhood Education

Title: Teaching Young Children: An Introduction.(3rd Edition)
Author: Michael L. Henniger
ISBN: 0131135295
Publisher: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall


EDU 2042 –Program Management for Early Childhood Education

Title: Planning and Administering Early Childhood Programs (9th. Ed)
Author: Decker, Celia A. and Decker, John R (2009)
ISBN: 0135135494
Publisher: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall

EDU 2045 Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education
Lynn and Suzanne

Title: : Early Education Curriculum: A Child’s Connection to the World (4th Ed)
Author: Hilda L. Jackman
ISBN: 1428322469
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning


EDU 2150 Management of the Classroom

Title: The First Six Weeks
Author: Paula Denton and Roxann Kriete (2000)
ISBN: 1892989042
Publisher: Northeast Foundation for Children, Inc.

Title: The Power of Our Words
Author: Paula Denton
ISBN: 18929891282
Publisher: Northeast Foundation for Children, Inc.

Title: Rules in School
Authors: Brady, Kathryn, Forton, Mary Beth, Porter, Deborah, and Wood, Chip
ISBN: 1892989107
Publisher: Northeast Foundation for Children, Inc

EDU 1250 Fostering Creative Learning for Children
Suzanne and Lynn

Title: Creative Activities for Young Children (9th ed)
Author: Mary Mayesky
ISBN: 1428321802
Publisher: Selmar Cengage Learning


Other Education classes I have taught and books used:

EDU 2010 Foundations of Education

Title: Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional
Author: Kauchak, D.P & Eggen, P.
ISBN: 0131137719
Publisher: Prentice Hall


EDU 2055 Teaching Methods

Title: Effective Teaching Methods
Author: Borich, Gary
ISBN: 0131714961
Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall


Let me know if this is what you are looking for - I will work on the web sites and get those to you as well.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rebecca and Lynn,
I think this format is going to work well, since Lynn and I have had good luck with it in the past. I am grateful to you, Rebecca, for the overview, since I was having trouble remembering what we had already discussed. This really helps me get this into perspective!
I really like the premise of these projects, especially compiling a list of textbooks to use in these courses. While I support the concept of a list of web sites, I have to share that I have some misgivings about this because of a few recent experiences. As Lynn mentioned, we sometimes run into web site addresses that seem to offer relevant info, only to find that they are hard to use or even no longer available. I have no doubt that this would have to be an ongoing process if we are to provide instructors with really useful resources. Having said that, I am fully on-board, and want to share anything that Lynn and I have already, as well as looking into new resources. Lynn came to our collaboration with a huge list of online resources and we have added many to that over the past few swmwsters. It is a great place to start!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rebecca and Suzanne

Thank you Rebecca for an overview of our goals for our collaboration effort. I will compile the list of textbooks we are currently using so we can discuss them - I have taught some of the other classes on your list as well and will add the books I have used for them .

I have quite an extensive site list for each course and am willing to share them as well, however keep in mind that the urls change periodically and are not always available. I will work on this in the next few days and place it here, in the blog.

Suzanne and I have now collaborated on two courses and have compiled quite a resource list for our two classes. I will also add that as well, okay, Suzanne? Talk to you both soon!

Thank You & Welcome!

Suzanne and Lynn!

Thank you both for be willing to help out with a few items connected with CCV and its Education and Early Childhood Education programs! There are really two main projects for us to turn our attention to over this academic year and I am so pleased to be working with you on them as I know you'll have a lot of great ideas!

Project 1: For core courses in the Education and Early Childhood Education programs, build a list of recommended/preferred texts and web resources. More on this in a moment...

Project 2: In the past, we have designed several courses within our Early Childhood program that include practical/scenario-based assignments that faculty could readily use as assignments and then later as an assessment tool. There are a couple of courses that we still have not built scenario-assessments for that I'd like us to work on so that we have a complete set for faculty teaching our core courses.

I'd like us to work on Project 1 first... as sooner than later faculty will need to choose texts and or have at their fingertips webs resources relevant to their courses!... Here is a list of courses that I'd like to have recommended texts/resources for:

Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Introduction to Exceptional Populations
Child Development
Communication in the Early Childhood Education Workplace
Foundations of Education
Teaching in a Global Community (replaces Multiculturalism in Education)
Teaching Methods for Literacy Development
Assessment in the Education Setting

So... my questions for you?...
- How would you both like to proceed with this task? I can provide the curricular outlines/EOs as we're working on this... let me know what you need!
- What is a reasonable timeline for this project?... I am hoping we could have some material built by the end of the calendar year... with a goal of having most resources developed by around mid-spring (March?) when folks will be choosing fall texts and looking for resources to build their courses? ...

I like the idea of using a blog for this... seems like we could accomplish most of what we need to in this format?

Awesome photo!!

Hey Suzanne!
That is an awesome photo! I envy you your freedom to travel around the Southwest - one of my favorite spots! I look forward to working with you as usual! Rebecca too!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

CCV Collaboration

(This is my latest photo, taken in Arizona last month.)

Rebecca and Lynn,

Here is our blogspot. We will be able to share all kinds of documents, etc. here.
I am looking forward to working with you on this project!